Saturday, February 22


What is Fast Spreading Stealth Omicron? Why it is Dangerous?

What is Fast Spreading Stealth Omicron? Why it is Dangerous?

The coronavirus pandemic has made life difficult for everyone on the planet. Its numerous and ever-changing forms have bothered the general public and scientists. In Europe, there is now a new sub-strain of the Omicron variant known as the 'Stealth Omicron.'This BA.2 substrain is more vulnerable because it is stealthy enough to avoid RT-PCR tests. As a result, Europe is facing the possibility of a fresh corona wave. This new subspecies of the coronavirus Omicron variant has been found in more than 40 countries, according to the United Kingdom. Stealth Omicron is not caught in the crucial corona RT-PCR test. The BA.2 subform is rapidly spreading throughout Europe. That is why this new sub-strain of Omicron has created a sense of danger among the general public. The World Health Organi...
Covid Cases in Uttarakhand: Reach Highest Single-Day Spike in 7 Months

Covid Cases in Uttarakhand: Reach Highest Single-Day Spike in 7 Months

Covid Cases in Uttarakhand: Clear evidence of how quickly the corona infection is spreading in Uttarakhand was found in Thursday's figures when 630 new cases of COVID-19 and 3 deaths were reported in the state in a single day. Previously, on June 4, 2021, the state had 892 cases in a single day. On Thursday, most cases were reported in Dehradun, and the government has made negative reports mandatory for those traveling from other states under the new guidelines. Along with this, instructions have been given to take strict action if the COVID guidelines are not followed. In Uttarakhand, cases have been steadily increasing over the last few days, with more than 100 new patients being admitted. The Health Department reported 268 cases in Dehradun, 119 in Haridwar, 85 in Nainital, 72 in...
Omicron Virus India: 43509 New Cases of Corona Surfaced in 24 Hours, 640 Patients Died

Omicron Virus India: 43509 New Cases of Corona Surfaced in 24 Hours, 640 Patients Died

Omicron Virus India: Amidst the threat of Omicron, Corona cases have started scaring once again. The Health Ministry released the figures on Thursday, which said that 7,974 cases of corona infection were reported in the last 24 hours, which is 14.2 percent more than yesterday. At the same time, 343 people have also died during this period, which is 96 more than the figure released yesterday. However, during this time 7,948 people also became healthy. According to the Ministry of Health, there are now a total of 87,245 active patients left in the country. A total of 3,41,54,879 people have become healthy in the country so far. On the other hand, if we talk about the total number of dead, then it has increased to 4,76, 478. A total of more than 135 crore doses of vaccine have been given...
Omicron Virus in India: What Are The Symptoms Of Omicron?

Omicron Virus in India: What Are The Symptoms Of Omicron?

Panic has arisen all over the world due to the new form of corona "Omicron". On which scientists from all over the world are doing research. This is an emergency because within a week the Omicron virus has spread to 24 countries and so far 210 people have been infected in this way. Now the Omicron virus has spread in India too. The first two cases of the Omicron virus in India were reported in Karnataka on Thursday and five people were reported to have been infected. According to the Ministry of Health, on December 2, two cases of the variant have been reported in India. One of the two is a citizen of South Africa and the other is a local health worker. The Ministry of Health had enforced the people to create panic situations and follow their corona protocol. Also, Karnataka Chief Mi...
5th Wave of Covid-19 Enters in France: A Cause of Concern

5th Wave of Covid-19 Enters in France: A Cause of Concern

There is news of relief regarding the corona epidemic that now other forms of the virus (mutations) have started disappearing in the country. However, re-infecting deltas or other associated mutations remain a cause for concern. According to the report released on Thursday by the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG), 1,15,101 samples have been successfully sequenced in the country. Of these, 45,394 (69%) have mutations in the severe category. Invasive mutations such as delta and delta plus have appeared in 41 thousand of these samples. Delta has been found in 28,820, delta plus in 5,450, and AY class mutations in 6,611. Insacog said, now other mutations of the virus have started weakening in the country. Mutations like gamma have all but disappeared. There is also informati...
Corona is Causing an Imbalance in Female Hormones and Increasing Obesity
COVID, Health

Corona is Causing an Imbalance in Female Hormones and Increasing Obesity

The 18 months of the Corona period are taking a toll on women's health. Women are troubled by increasing obesity due to irregular routines, hormonal imbalances due to carelessness in the diet especially during corona. Not only this, along with obesity, women are facing liver-related problems due to breathlessness, high BP, increase in sugar levels. Troubled women are now making rounds of hospitals. Gynecologists say that this is called an obesity disorder, due to which the regulatory system of the whole body gets disturbed. The number of such women patients has suddenly increased in the OPDs of private hospitals along with SRN Hospital, District Women's Hospital, the largest MLN Medical College in the division. According to doctors, ten to 12 women out of a hundred are coming with compl...
The Vaccine may be Ineffective in Corona’s New Variant ‘Mu’

The Vaccine may be Ineffective in Corona’s New Variant ‘Mu’

The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed concern over the new variant 'mu' of the coronavirus, saying that it is a combination of several mutations. The vaccine may be ineffective on this. This variant was first found in Colombia in January 2021. Its scientific name is B.1621. WHO is keeping an eye on this. The World Health Organization, in its weekly bulletin on the pandemic, said 'mu' has been classified as a 'variant of interest'. This variant is a combination of several mutations, which is effective in evading the immunity created by the vaccine. This means that its mutations can attack the body even after getting vaccinated against corona. The organization said that this variant is changing its appearance. Further study is needed to better understand this. According to ...
Delta Plus Cases Increased 6 times in 15 days: 13 Mutations so far

Delta Plus Cases Increased 6 times in 15 days: 13 Mutations so far

In some states of the country including Kerala, the second wave is still persisting due to the seriousness of the situation. In such a situation, INSAC has released a shocking report about the situation in the last three weeks. According to this, not only has there been a six-fold increase in the cases of Delta Plus during the last 15 days but so far 13 mutations have been reported from the Delta variant alone and each has been confirmed in India. Scientists have also succeeded in identifying 856 such samples. Also, read| The Venom of this Snake can Stop Corona from Growing in the Body The virus has not calmed down, it can show effect anytime According to the report, genome sequencing of more than 10,000 samples was done between August 9 and 31, in which a 6.44-fold increase has...
The Venom of this Snake can Stop Corona from Growing in the Body

The Venom of this Snake can Stop Corona from Growing in the Body

Vaccination campaigns are going on to eliminate the corona epidemic, as well as many other studies, are going on around the world. It may sound a bit strange to you, but a study has shown that the venom of the Brazilian viper snake can become an important 'weapon' in the fight against the corona epidemic. In this study done on monkeys, researchers have found that a molecule found in snake venom called Jaracusu Pit inhibited the reproduction of the coronavirus in their cells by 75 percent, that is, the ability of the virus to grow by 75 percent. The study has been published in the scientific journal Molecules. This study is believed to be the first step towards the invention of a drug in the fight against corona. The molecule found in snake venom is a peptide, or chain of amino acids, t...
If You are Sending Children to School in Corona: Keep these things in Mind

If You are Sending Children to School in Corona: Keep these things in Mind

The cases of corona infection continue to fluctuate in the country. In such a situation, there is a possibility of a third wave and since September 1, i.e. from today, schools have also opened in many states, then the concerns have increased even more. There was a discussion going on for the last several days about whether it would be safe to open the school and is it the right time? Since the infection has started spreading among children with the opening of schools in America, and in such a situation, the risk of infection has increased among parents, teachers, school staff, and others. Keeping this in mind, recently, Dr. Naresh Trehan, chairman of Medanta Hospital, had warned that it would not be right to reopen schools in this era of the epidemic. However, a parliamentary committee...