Tag: 3rd wave of corona india

Corona cases will be at the highest in October: A big danger to children

Corona cases will be at the highest in October: A big danger to children

The National Institute of Disaster Management Committee of the Ministry of Home Affairs has expressed the possibility of a third wave. The committee has sent its report to the Prime Minister's Office. According to this, the third wave of Corona will be at its peak in October. Along with this, the committee has also advised the Prime Minister's Office to make arrangements for medical facilities for children and youth. The committee of experts believes that the third wave can become a big threat to children and youth. According to the report, adequate arrangements for medical facilities, ventilators, doctors, medical staff, ambulances, oxygen will have to be made for the children in the country. Because a large number of children and youth will be infected with corona. Also, read| This ...
Corona Third Wave may come this month: Experts said – The situation will be worse in October

Corona Third Wave may come this month: Experts said – The situation will be worse in October

The third wave of corona in India can knock from this month. Experts have said that the third wave of corona may come in the month of August, in which one lakh corona cases will be reported daily. At present, more than 40 thousand new cases are being reported in the country every day. At the same time, more than 550 people are dying, while on Sunday 39 thousand people have returned home after recovering.  In view of the weak health system in the second wave, the Center has directed the states to keep oxygen, medicines, and other essential items available in advance. Although the third wave of corona will not be more dangerous than the second wave, experts said that in the second wave, 4 lakh new cases were seen every day in the country, but now the scary picture will not be seen. The ...