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Consumers are going to get relief regarding mobile repairing. If a product of gadget companies gets damaged, then it is very expensive to repair it. This is also a trick of companies that if it becomes difficult to repair the gadget, then mobile phones can be sold in large numbers. Now in view of this, the campaign of Right to Repair is gaining momentum in many countries.
As a result of this, US President Joe Biden has asked to make rules regarding this. This will not prevent companies from repairing mobiles and other equipment by customers or third parties themselves.
Most companies have started making gadgets in such a way that it takes special tools, parts, and software to repair them. The supply of parts in the open market is also limited. This makes it impossible to repair the equipment outside. If they do so, there is also a risk of the product warranty being void
FTC also reported
- In a May report on the repair market, the FTC said that many types of equipment are being deliberately expensive and difficult to repair.
- Due to this, consumers have to buy new ones, leaving the old equipment despite being usable. Companies don’t even want to lose control in the name of fixing them.
Vigorous movement
- Australia and the European Union have also been considering implementing the Right to Repair. 27 US states have given legal validity to this right. According to Steve Wozniak, co-founder of the Apple company itself, companies do not want third-party repairs to be made, which can undermine control and power over their products.
- The demand for the right to repair people says that companies should improve the supply of spare parts for their products.
- Give detailed manuals so that people can improve them. Companies charge a lot of money for repairs, consumers can get these repaired from third parties for very little cost.
Companies’ arguments
- Mobile phone companies say they want to fix the products themselves so that the data and privacy of the users on the phone can be saved from falling into the wrong hands.
- Companies have better technology and trained personnel to repair this equipment, which does not affect the quality.
- Recycling is also done. The perishable products that come to them easily get involved in the recycling process. If they are not treated outside, they can become harmful waste.
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Nikita Dhyani is a passionate writer. She basically writes on Health, Finance, and Politics related topics. She has explored many areas of interest and is being a part of the journalism industry.
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