Saturday, January 25

Can You Get Black Fungus Without Testing Positive For COVID-19?

Other disease like pneumonia exacerbates the condition of black fungus

The second wave of Coronavirus has wreaked havoc in India. The mutated virus is far more destructive than the former, proving to be more contagious and lethal. The county’s health system is amid an increase in cases. Now, another challenge is at the forefront of India’s healthcare system – the black fungus is also known as mucormycosis.

The rapid increase in cases of this rare fungal infection is worrying. Many states have even declared black fungus to be an epidemic. Fungal infections threaten the brain, lungs, and sinuses.

So far black fungus has been reported in coronavirus patients, but experts warn that this fungal infection can occur without people with COVID-19 disease. A report in Hindustan Times states that people with high blood sugar must be vigilant.

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Niti Aayog (health) member VK Paul was quoted as saying- What medical students are taught about black fungus is that this infects diabetic people — those who have uncontrolled diabetes. The combination of uncontrolled diabetes and some other significant disease may lead to black fungus. Dr. Paul explained that a person becomes vulnerable to black fungus when their blood sugar level reached 700-800– a situation medically known as diabetic ketoacidosis.

He adds Any other disease like pneumonia exacerbates the condition. Now, there is COVID-19 that has its effects. Then comes steroid use. All these have complicated the situation, but in essence people without COVID-19 can also have mucormycosis if other conditions are present.

People who are in good health should not worry about catching this rare fungal infection, said the All India Institute of Medical Science’s Dr. Nikhil Tandon.

The reason behind the recent increase in cases may be that the COVID variant in the second wave attacked immunity more than the first wave, ”he explained. In addition, “Steroids have been used extensively, which may also be a cause of a spike in fungal infections. But nothing can be said with certainty without proper investigation,” said the doctor.

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