Tag: vegan milk for coffee

PETA India asks Amul To Switch from Dairy To Producing Vegan Milk
news, Politics

PETA India asks Amul To Switch from Dairy To Producing Vegan Milk

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India has asked Amul to decide to start producing vegetarian milk. PETA, in a letter to Amul Managing Director RS Sodhi, said that the dairy cooperative society should benefit from the flourishing vegan food and milk market. We would again like to encourage Amul to benefit from the booming vegan food and milk market, instead of wasting resources trying to fight the demand for plant-based products that are only growing. Other companies are responding to market changes, and Amul can too,” PETA India said. https://twitter.com/PetaIndia/status/1398346790970150913?s=20 Also, read| Can You Get Black Fungus Without Testing Positive For COVID-19? Sodhi, while replying to a tweet by Ashwini Mahajan, national co-convener of Swadeshi Jagran Man...