Tag: how to administer pfizer covid vaccine

The Right Way to Administer Covid Vaccine: Why It Is So Important

The Right Way to Administer Covid Vaccine: Why It Is So Important

Vaccination has become a very important thing to have nowadays amid covid breakdown, where everyone is booking slots and taking the dose. Have you noticed the way of administering vaccination or will you believe that the wrong way of injecting in your bodies can cause you blood clotting? We will discuss the right way to administer covid vaccine.  This new study of Germany and Italy says that the wrong way of putting covid-19 vaccines can cause your blood clot. This is why you need to take care of certain things while going to get jabbed. Blood clotting was among the common side effects of vaccination. Previously it was thought that it might be a side effect of medication and various studies have been done over all the vaccines. And surprisingly it was concluded that not using the correc...