Marburg Virus more Dangerous than Corona: The Patient dies in Eight Days

According to the World Health Organization, Marburg virus infection in humans can be spread through contact with bats

The crisis of the corona pandemic continues throughout the world. Cases of its infection have decreased in many countries and are increasing in many places. The threat of a third wave is looming in India as well.

Meanwhile, a new virus has also been knocked in the world, which is considered very dangerous. Its name is the Marburg virus. The first case of infection with this virus has been reported in the West African country of Guinea, which has been confirmed by the World Health Organization.

Also, read| Another threat among Corona: The first case of deadly “Marburg Virus” found in West African country

Marburg Virus dangerous and deadly than Ebola and Coronavirus

  • According to reports, this virus is related to the dangerous and deadly Ebola virus. It is believed that the Marburg virus is also more dangerous than the corona. In such a situation, the concerns of scientists have increased a lot.
  • The World Health Organization says that this virus is probably found in bats. The same claim is made about Corona too.
  • You can guess how dangerous this Marburg virus is, from the fact that the World Health Organization says that the death rate of this Marburg virus is up to 88 percent. Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO regional director for Africa, said that this virus has the potential to spread far and wide, so we need to stop it as soon as possible.
  • According to reports, just two months ago, the World Health Organization announced the end of the second wave of the Ebola virus in Guinea, but after this, a new and deadly Marburg virus came.
  • Efforts are being made to trace the person in whom its infection has been detected, how and from where this infection happened.

How does this virus spread to humans?

  • According to the World Health Organization, Marburg virus infection in humans can be spread through contact with bats.
  • Once a person is infected with this virus, it can spread through direct human-to-human contact, just like a corona.
  • The organization says it is also capable of spreading through the blood, organs, or other bodily fluids and surfaces of infected people.

Symptoms appear between 2 and 21 days

  • According to the World Health Organization, the Marburg virus causes severe hemorrhagic fever in humans.
  • Its symptoms can appear between two to 21 days.
  • The disease caused by its infection starts suddenly with a high fever, severe headache, and severe malaise.

What are the other symptoms of the Marburg virus?

  • Muscle pain
  • Severe watery diarrhea (diarrhea can last up to a week)
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Nausea and vomiting (this may start on the third day after infection)
  • Lethargy
  • Weak eyes

Bleeding is most dangerous in infection

  • According to the World Health Organisation, many patients may develop severe bleeding problems within seven days following infection with the Marburg virus, and fatal cases usually result in multiple bleeding points in the body.
  • Not only does blood come out of the body through vomit and stool, as well as there is a problem of bleeding from the nose and gums. In fatal cases, the patient usually dies between 8 and 9 days after the onset of infection.

It is possible to identify the virus only with these tests

  • According to the World Health Organization, Marburg virus disease (MVD) can be difficult to distinguish clinically from other infectious diseases such as malaria, typhoid fever, shigellosis, meningitis, and other viral hemorrhagic fevers.
  • Apart from the symptoms, its infection can be identified by antigen detection test, serum neutralization test, and RT-PCR test, etc.

What is the treatment for infection with this virus?

  • There is currently no treatment available for Marburg virus disease.
  • However, a range of potential therapies is being evaluated by scientists to treat it, including immunotherapies and drug therapies.
  • The World Health Organization says that along with keeping the body hydrated, proper patient care and better treatment of symptoms can help in recovery from infection.

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