Tag: zika virus planning pregnancy

Zika virus attack in India: Know its Symptoms and Treatment

Zika virus attack in India: Know its Symptoms and Treatment

The corona pandemic is not over yet and India is witnessing an attack of a new virus, which is known as the Zika virus. A total of 13 people in Kerala have confirmed infection with this virus, including a pregnant woman. When these people showed symptoms of Zika, their samples were sent to the National Institute of Virology in Pune for examination, where the infection was confirmed. According to the World Health Organization, the Zika virus is transmitted by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes and these mosquitoes are active during the day. Although this virus has not spread in India for the first time, in the year 2017, three cases of its infection were detected in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, including a pregnant woman. Zika virus spreads mostly by the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito, whi...