Tag: scarcity of oxygen

Global Response for India’s Call for help: Oxygen Shortage & Medical Aid
COVID, Health

Global Response for India’s Call for help: Oxygen Shortage & Medical Aid

Germany Will Send oxygen and medical equipment to India in helping the covid crises. The foreign minister said Heiko Maas, announced on Monday. India is suffering from a spike in coronavirus infections. A number of 349,691 Cases has been recorded in the last 24 hours. Hospitals are turning away the patients after running out of oxygen. “The second wave is currently rolling over India with unprecedented power. It was right that we acted quickly to stop the entry of the new mutation in Germany," Maas told the Rheinische Post newspaper. Moreover, India also needs logistic support from the other abroad countries as well. Thus, the US, UK, and France step forward to help India from this worst situation.  https://twitter.com/MattHancock/status/1385643189563019264?s=20 Al...