Tag: please wear mask images

Covid-19: Why Center Advises to Wear Masks Even at Home

Covid-19: Why Center Advises to Wear Masks Even at Home

As of Monday, in the middle of corona breakdown, the center advised people to wear masks even at home admitting that the new coronavirus strain which created havoc in past days is very much transmissible. As per the center’s concern, the virus strain remains suspended in the air in the form of aerosol and increases the chances of infection. In a press conference, union ministry of health and family welfare on the covid situation, Niti aayog health member, VK paul said that “this is a time to be at home, not invite anyone over and avoid stepping out unnecessarily”. https://twitter.com/otvnews/status/1386723316031844352?s=20 “If there is Covid positive case in the family, it is very important that the person wears a mask even indoors because the virus can spread to others in the home. ...