Tag: Navratri Day 4 Maa Kushmanda Puja Mantra

Maa Kushmanda Navratri Day 4: Significance| Puja Vidhi| Mantra| History
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Maa Kushmanda Navratri Day 4: Significance| Puja Vidhi| Mantra| History

Maa Kushmanda is also known as the Goddess Ashta Bhuja due to her eight hands. Kushmanda means one who created this universe in the form of a small cosmic egg. Navratri Day 4: Maa Kushmanda Puja Vidhi Devotees worship with flowers and special food are offered to her. People also offer her milk, coconut, and different kinds of sweets. After performing the puja, the sweets offered to Maa are given to her devotees as Prasad. Devotees read Stotra path and Kavach while offering prayers in the morning and perform aarti in the evening. Navratri Day 4: Maa Kushmanda Dhyan Mantra वन्दे वांछित कामर्थेचन्द्रार्घकृतशेखराम्। सिंहरूढाअष्टभुजा कुष्माण्डायशस्वनीम्॥ सुरासम्पूर्णकलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च। दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्माण्डा शुभदास्तु मे॥ Also, read |Maa Chandraghanta Nav...