Wednesday, January 15

Tag: Maharashtra scientist stem-cell remedy kills COVID-19 naturally

Maharashtra scientist stem-cell remedy kills COVID-19 naturally

Maharashtra scientist stem-cell remedy kills COVID-19 naturally

Concerned with the massive COVID-19 surge in the country, a researcher-cum-scientist from Maharashtra has developed a unique stem-cell platelet-based remedy to kill the Coronavirus "naturally, with anti-inflammatory bodies" and reduce the need for hospitalization of COVID-19 patients by 65-75 percent. Navi Mumbai-based Urologist-cum-regenerative medicine researcher Dr. Pradeep V. Mahajan, 61, said that the stem-cell/lyophilized platelet remedy is a proven protocol for COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 patients on OPD basis, without requiring hospitalization for targeting the primary lung disease. Also, read | CBSE Launches “Dost For life” Mobile App For Students What did Dr. Mahajan say? Dr. Mahajan - Chairman of StemRx Biosciences Solutions Pvt Ltd - said that the lungs are the prime ...