Tag: how many convert to hinduism every year in india

The Man again Adopted Hinduism: Said- He Changed his Religion Due to Financial Constraints
news, Politics

The Man again Adopted Hinduism: Said- He Changed his Religion Due to Financial Constraints

On the second day after the uproar in the conversion case of the youth of a scheduled society working in a bakery in Pune city of Maharashtra, the youth again returned to Hinduism. The villagers welcomed the young man on his return home with drums and drums. The young man has accepted the matter of conversion to overcome the financial crisis. David Kumar, a resident of village Sedoberkhan, had gone to work in a bakery in Pune, Maharashtra, last year with other-class youths after the house's financial condition deteriorated after his father's death. After giving the temptation to remove poverty, the bakery operators converted it and changed the name to Mohd. Bilal. Local villagers came to know about his conversion when David came to the village last week to attend a sister's...