Tag: global electric vehicle market size and forecasts

Honda Increases Investment in Future Electric Vehicles and Batteries
Latest Bikes and Cars

Honda Increases Investment in Future Electric Vehicles and Batteries

Electric bikes will reach a tipping point where they will make financial sense for both owners and manufacturers, and Honda plainly believes that time is approaching as it begins on a bold electric strategy for the future. The company has said that by 2024, it intends to have at least four new electric bikes on the market. It has also agreed to a standard specification for swappable electric bike batteries with Yamaha, Suzuki, and Kawasaki, and has started a project with KTM and Piaggio to obtain a similar agreement in Europe. After years of lurking on the outside of the electric motorbike market, Honda now appears to be ready to take the plunge. We've seen many patents from Honda in the previous several months that hint at the company's ambitions for electric bikes, and the mach...