Earth day 2021: every year on 22nd April is observed as earth day across the world and a large number of stakeholders take part in civic activities and raise awareness about the explanatory issues the earth is facing.
Increasing pollution, global warming, and deforestation are the big topics of concern, as they contribute a major threat to nature.
On top of one billion people participate in earth day activities across 192 countries. This makes earth day the largest civic observance in the world.
The theme of earth day 2021 is to “restore our earth” and focus on the natural processes, crop up green technologies, and advanced or innovative thinking that can restore the ecosystem of the world. Furthermore, the theme also rejects the belief that only adaptation and mitigation are the strategies to mark climate changes. recommends everyone participate in the development. It also adds that the focus should be on the global drive to increase climate literacy, as a measure to prepare the leaders of tomorrow. Earth day is observed three days in a year starting from 20th April and also the activities are divided into these days. It mentions on 21st April, education international, with 32 million educators will lead the “teach for the planet: global education summit”. This virtual summit which is held in multiple languages will focus on the compelling role of the educators in going up against climate change and the question of why the world needs to reframe climate education now.
Correspondingly, the day later, next to US president Joe Biden’s global climate summit, will have its second earth day live digitally.
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On this day, panel discussion, workshops, and special performances will focus on restoring our earth, the theme for this year. We’ll cover natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems,” the event note said.
The expected topics during the discussion include climate and environmental literacy, climate restoration technologies, reforestation efforts, regenerative agriculture, equity and environmental justice, citizen science, and cleanups.

Anjali ved is a curious and enthusiastic writer with knowledge and experience of writing various blogs and articles related to health care. Apart from this, she is a certified pharmacist with 2 years of work experience in medicine. She feels is a responsibility to acknowledge the audience about the latest news about health.