health and wellness

Brazil signed a contract to buy 20 million covid vaccines from Bharat biotech of India
health and wellness, news

Brazil signed a contract to buy 20 million covid vaccines from Bharat biotech of India

On Thursday, Brazil's health ministry signed a contract to buy 20 million Covaxin vaccines, the corona vaccine manufactured by Bharat Biotech of India, for delivery in the middle of March and May. The health ministry said in a statement that the contract is worth 1.6 billion reais which is around $ 290,000. Expectedly the first 8 million doses will arrive in March.   To pick up the speed in purchasing vaccines in Brazil and dealing with the second lethal corona strain outbreak, the ministry said it published new rules last week passing out the bidding process.  As of Thursday, brazil reported 1,541 cases of death due to corona infection. This was the highest death toll since the outbreak happened.  The South American country, along with 65,998 new cases, has now registered 10,...
Engagement of two major pharma with serum institute of india for the mass production of covid vaccine
health and wellness

Engagement of two major pharma with serum institute of india for the mass production of covid vaccine

AstraZeneca, the British- Swedish pharma giant, and UK pharma giant  Novavax open up that they are ready to heighten the production of covid vaccine by engaging with the Serum Institute of India.  SII, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer by volume is located in the Pune city of Maharashtra. It manufactures the corona vaccines brought by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, locally called Covidshied. Covidshield was indeed emergency use indexed by the world health organization this month. WHO allowed the use of Covidshield in low-income countries across the world.    “Ruud Dobber, the president of AstraZeneca’s pharmaceuticals business, said the with our partner, the serum institute of India, we are planning to supply over 300 million vaccines to about 145 countries through COVA...
Childhood cancers are more susceptible to treatment than adult cancer 
health and wellness, Science

Childhood cancers are more susceptible to treatment than adult cancer 

Four lakh children are reported with cancer all over the world. Of these, around 50,000 cases are of India. With the increasing number of cases of cancer, the survival rate in developing and underdeveloped countries is falling. WHO had announced a global initiative for childhood cancer.  Manas Kalra, the senior oncologist at Delhi's Ganga Ram Hospital showed his concern for such a condition and spoke to Amit Anand Choudhary for the safeguard measures that need to be taken.     How childhood cancer is different from adult cancer? Childhood cancers are more manageable and have a high rate of cure than adult cancers. However, the types of cancer are also different between children and adults. When children suffer from blood cancer, brain tumors, lymphomas adults suffer from solid...
Dr. Harsh Vardhan brings out operational guidelines for the unification of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with NPCDCS: latest news on the health 
health and wellness

Dr. Harsh Vardhan brings out operational guidelines for the unification of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with NPCDCS: latest news on the health 

  As of February 22, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, the Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare brings out the operational guidelines for the unification of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease(NAFLD) with NPCDC( National program for prevention and control of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke).  Dr. Harsh Vardhan said by expressing his exhilaration on the event that “NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease), the uncommon accumulation of fats in the liver, in the absence of secondary causes of the fatty liver such as excessive alcohol consumption, hepatitis, or certain medications is a major health concern as it surrounds the person to numerous possible liver abnormalities. From a simple nonalcoholic fatty liver to further advanced ones like Non-Alcoholic steatohepatitis...
Russia reveals the first case of human infection by the H5N8 strain of bird flu
health and wellness, Science

Russia reveals the first case of human infection by the H5N8 strain of bird flu

    The health authority of Russia confirmed the first case of human infection via bird flu strain on Saturday, February 20. Last year on December 7 workers of poultry plants were infected by the H5N8 virus strain during an outbreak of bird flu.  Anna Popova, the head of consumer health watchdog Rospotrebnadzor has said that “I want to make an announcement of a new discovery by the scientists of Rospotrebnadzor vector research center. The first case of human infection is confirmed with the H5N8 bird flu strain Avian influenza A virus, in a Russian laboratory.”  Anna Popova further said that the scientists have isolated the genetic material of this strain in the seven workers of poultry farms in south Russia, which reported the infection in such outbreak among fowl...
Northeast Delhi has broken the covid code from next to nothing: Delhi 
health and wellness

Northeast Delhi has broken the covid code from next to nothing: Delhi 

The northeast district of Delhi did not report even a single case on Thursday, though 5,143 tests were done. Of these 3,000 were tested by the gold RT-PCR test. Almost 11 districts have shown the decline in covid cases but the northeast has been striking.  On February 13, only a single case was reported, and 4 cases on the day later, and no case on February 15. It reported only 2 cases on Feb 16 and three on Feb 17, before entering with no case on Feb 18.  The district magistrate, Pankaj Kumar, said that the slipping in positivity rate is due to the consistent efforts on continuous testing and tracing, and isolation. “We have been continuously tracking the contacts of Covid individuals and testing them, he further said.” hence this helps in the early investigation of the infectio...
The tradition of Homemade chutney been lost?
health and wellness, Life Style

The tradition of Homemade chutney been lost?

Chutney adds a bounce to the flavor of every Indian cuisine and is preferred by most individuals in India. Chutney is sweet, spicy, sour in taste and is prepared by using fruits, vegetables, spices, chilies, sugar, vinegar, herbs, nuts, etc., It is believed that homemade chutney is way better than any chutney which is made in a mixer grinder/blender. But, because of the busy lives, people look for the easiest and less time-consuming process. They opt for convenience and go for mixer grinders to prepare chutney as they are less time-consuming and less messy. In this hustle, and fully occupied working lives, Is the originality of chutney adrift or missing?  Chutney is mostly known for its refreshing and incredible taste but it is beneficial for health as well. It is considered delicious a...
Madras HC took action against the side effects of covidshield vaccine on a vax volunteer
health and wellness

Madras HC took action against the side effects of covidshield vaccine on a vax volunteer

 As of Friday, Madras high court issued notice to the center, and 5 other respondents of the drug regulatory body, including ICMR and the Serum Institute of India, AstraZeneca, and Sri Ramachandra Higher Education and Research.  Chennai is asking for an answer for the writ appeal of a Covidshield trial volunteer who stated that he acquired severe side effects after the trial.  The court after hearing the matter through video conferencing has decided to set down the next hearing on March 26.  Asif Riaz, a 41 years covid trial volunteer urged to decree on the administration of the covid vaccine to the public and reimbursement of 5 crore rupees for the harm he has incurred after going through the vaccine trial.  He has suffered from acute neuro encephalopathy after a few days of t...
Apollo Hospitals Want Private Market for Vaccine: Managing Director of Apollo 
health and wellness

Apollo Hospitals Want Private Market for Vaccine: Managing Director of Apollo 

Sunita Reddy, the managing director of Apollo hospitals, told Bloomberg that she expects a private market for vaccines by march. She feels that the “government vaccination targets are quite accomplishable, but public and private have to shake hands for the better results. If we achieve this, we will be prepared for the second wave of covid, she added.”  Apollo hospital enterprises Ltd. is assisting the Indian government in providing vaccines to the front-line workers, as a part of a nationwide vaccine drive.  Managing director Sunita Reddy has revealed that the operator has trained 6,000 people and allotted 3,500 websites for the augmentation of the immunization campaign.  Our expectation is up to a month of March, she further said. She believes that there is so much advantage of ...
Covid cases have declined so far since April 30
health and wellness

Covid cases have declined so far since April 30

As of Tuesday, February 16, 15,000 doses of vaccine were administered across 265 centers in Delhi. Of which 2,356 was the second dose of vaccine received by health care workers.  Delhi has reported the fewest cases on Tuesday in the previous 292 days. Only 94 new cases were reported, which is really the lowest number of cases after April 30. There were only 74 infection cases followed on April 30. The new cases on Tuesday were reported due to 56,944 new tests at a positivity rate of 0.17%.  The fatality rate is also declining tremendously. No death was reported on Saturday, February 13, the second time in February when the fatality rate was nill. The same scenerio happened on February 9 when no infection was reported after a gap of nine months. Though, the rate of RT-PCR slipped s...